Netfilter can by default not track replies to multicast(/broadcast for IPv4) messages. Thus they are, unless they are explicitely allowed through a stateless rule, not matched by a rule using the conntrack match module. To work around this limitation, I developed a equivalent workaround using ipset and iptables. Theoretically the same can be done with …
Category Archives: Uncategorized
LSI RAID controllers/HBAs and undetected devices
You might need to get and use “lsiutil” to change the port settings. In my case, some ports had initiator or responder mode disabled which prevented the controller from detecting my SAS expander. –pythondir is broken
If it starts with //, its value is ignored, which makes no sense at all.
docker –device doesn’t work if there’s a : in the path, even if it’s escaped with \\
Looks like you can’t work around that one, sorry.
Direct firmware load for $something_mc.bin failed with error -2
-2 means that the file was not found. Install linux-firmware or whatever the name for the linux firmware package is of your distro. Install it and reboot. Then that error should be gone. If it’s not, double check if $something_mc.bin exists and check where to get it. It might just not be packaged by the …
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Windows registry function SetValue invalidates handle
Trying to reuse the handle in other registry functions returns ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE. Close the handle and open a new one with the parameters you opened the original one with. Then try to use that one. That should work.
Working with SetupDiGetDriverInfoDetailA
When using the Windows setupapi function SetupDiGetDriverInfoDetailA, it can set the thread local error variable to ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER or ERROR_INVALID_USER_BUFFER. The two mean basically the same thing: Your buffer is too small. The SP_DRVINFO_DETAIL_DATA_A struct has a dynamically sized tail that contains the Hardware IDs. ERROR_INVALID_USER_BUFFER means that that dynamically sized area is too small.
foldingathome in docker and AMD GPUs
In order to run code on AMD GPUs, the AMD provided opencl libraries and other files need to be available in the container. If they are not already present in the docker image, they need to be installed after the fact, besides the fact that the devices need to be made available to the container …
Protecting databases against credentials theft
In the past years credential theft has become a common theme among web sites. They all stem from a compromise of the web or application server or unrelated other infrastructure. Once access to the file system of the database server is achieved or the database can be accessed using the application’s credentials, the stored secret …
Continue reading “Protecting databases against credentials theft”